Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jamie Goldenetz - necklace

Jamie Goldenetz is a highly creative and imaginative artist who is open to new media and new forms of expression. She is a poet as well as a visual and performing artist. Her jewelry is inspired by her love of nature featuring beads in greens. She is an accomplished illustrator and painter working both from what she observes as well as her rich imagination. Notable works include “Moody Monotone,” “Bird for Dinner,” and “Penguin.” She has exhibited work at Pyramid Studios Gallery as well as at other venues throughout Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Jamie R Goldenetz.
    We make a Difference in the world.
    We need to clean up the plant earth.
    And to save the all living things.
    By JamieRGoldenetz.
